Sunday, January 19, 2025
Not sure how I came up with Moo-Latte as a kit theme.  lol  I looked it up on google and it said Dairy Queen has something with that name.  So maybe it stuck in my head.  lol  Anyway I thought it would be cute with cow-print.  

There are a ton of tubes because I was testing and doing things trying to learn.  Didn't want to just throw them out.  Hope you can use them.  My tubes can be used with other kits too ! :) 


1 comment:

My Blinkie

Newest Kit

Lucky Luxe ai Kit

FINALLY! lol Here is my St Patty's Day themed kit. Hope you like it ! DOWNLOAD And I made a tag !!  WOOHOO!!  Been so long since I tagge...



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