These are the animation shop settings I use when I save a tag as a GIF.  This usually gives me the best blend for lighter backgrounds in forums etc.  

Choose File - Optimization Wizard.  Then this window should pop up.  Hit "Customize".

This is under the "color" tab.  These are the settings I use here:

This image below is under the "Optimizations" tab.

This is the "Partial Transparency" tab.  If you have a forum or group you're in that has a dark background then you would want to change the "Yes, blend with this color:" option to a darker color.


My Blinkie

Newest Kit

Lucky Luxe ai Kit

FINALLY! lol Here is my St Patty's Day themed kit. Hope you like it ! DOWNLOAD And I made a tag !!  WOOHOO!!  Been so long since I tagge...



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