Sunday, January 19, 2025
Not sure how I came up with Moo-Latte as a kit theme.  lol  I looked it up on google and it said Dairy Queen has something with that name.  So maybe it stuck in my head.  lol  Anyway I thought it would be cute with cow-print.  

There are a ton of tubes because I was testing and doing things trying to learn.  Didn't want to just throw them out.  Hope you can use them.  My tubes can be used with other kits too ! :) 


Friday, January 3, 2025
So I’ve been having a lot of fun making kits. But I was wondering if there is anything in particular anyone is looking for? I can’t make promises, but if an idea can inspire some creativity from me I might be able to do a whole kit. You can email me your ideas and I can see what I can do. 

    I am working on two kits at the moment. They are both Valentine inspired. 

My Blinkie

Newest Kit

Lucky Luxe ai Kit

FINALLY! lol Here is my St Patty's Day themed kit. Hope you like it ! DOWNLOAD And I made a tag !!  WOOHOO!!  Been so long since I tagge...



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