Monday, December 23, 2024

 I still might do some matching tubes if I get time.  But I need to do some cleaning for Christmas.  :)  

I really wanted to get the kit up and not wait since we are so close to New Year's Eve now !  :)  I'm so looking forward to doing some other themed kits soon ! YAY !!

And leave it to me to have cats in a Penguin kit. LMAO


 I've had a couple people tell me they can't download.  Not a lot, but not sure what the issue is.  So this is just a quick tutorial on what it looks like when you click the link and then where to find the "download" button/link.   Hope this helps.  If its another issue then email me.  My contact email is at the top of the blog.

Step one:  Click my "DOWNLOAD" link and then the folder with my kit in it will pop up.  At the top you will see this area below.  Click on that little down arrow next to my red arrow:

Step two:  Then the new window will pop up like below.  Click the download link and it should start. 

Monday, December 9, 2024

I don't know if anyone reads these posts or not. lol But again, I have so many coffees in this kit. I just can't make myself delete something if it turns out cute ! lol  Guess it doesn't matter its all free right?? 

There are more elements and critters than are in the preview.  Also more tubes than in that preview. :) 


Tuesday, December 3, 2024
So it's weird how things work out, I swear. lol  I had this kit started at least a couple weeks ago now and I just ran out of ideas.  So today I pulled it out again and thought lets finish it up today.  Then Steph left me a message on the chat box and asked for Chihuahua's in sable and tan.  I put it in my program and voila it matched the kit!  I was so happy ! lol  So I hope this works for you Steph.  I wasn't sure if it mattered if they were boy or girl dogs for the ribbons.  So I tried to do a couple different ways. :)    This was a fun kit to work on.  I have way too many elements and papers.  

My Blinkie

Newest Kit

Lucky Luxe ai Kit

FINALLY! lol Here is my St Patty's Day themed kit. Hope you like it ! DOWNLOAD And I made a tag !!  WOOHOO!!  Been so long since I tagge...



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